An educational multimedia kit
to deconstruct stereotypes.

A comprehensive and free
tool to discuss stereotypes
and gender equality in primary
and lower secondary schools.

The idea (to create the educational kit)was inspired by the short film against gender stereotypes titled “I like spiderman…So what?”. The project took inspiration also from Giorgia Vezzoli’s book that was made into a film, which was produced by DNArt, adapted by Serena Mannelli and directed by Federico Micali.

The film was distributed throughout Italy, as well as in more than 70 international festivals; As a result of this experience, we realised how important it is to discuss such a delicate topic in school, and we grasped the demand of the educational world for useful tools to utilise with students, in order to actively engaged them towards gender equality.

Schools are indeed the more appropriate environment for students to develop critical thinking, in contrast to other contexts where old-fashioned models are transmitted.

We were able to create a series of educational tools (subsidised by a E.U. call for bids and in line with the Gender equality strategy of the European Commission) that follow Cloe’s (the short film’s protagonist) ideas. The aim is to reveal stereotypes for what they really are: «Very stupid!»

I like Spiderman… so what?

The project took inspiration from the short film (I like Spiderman …so what?) on gender stereotypes. If you haven’t watched it yet, this is the perfect moment!

A journey to be discovered

Still any doubts?

Don’t worry, we have prepared a video tutorial to guide you through all the features of this kit!

An educational multimedia kit
to deconstruct stereotypes.

Watch the trailer

A comprehensive and free
tool to discuss stereotypes
and gender equality in primary
and lower secondary schools.

The idea (to create the educational kit)was inspired by the short film against gender stereotypes titled “I like spiderman…So what?”. The project took inspiration also from Giorgia Vezzoli’s book that was made into a film, which was produced by DNArt, adapted by Serena Mannelli and directed by Federico Micali.

The film was distributed throughout Italy, as well as in more than 70 international festivals; As a result of this experience, we realised how important it is to discuss such a delicate topic in school, and we grasped the demand of the educational world for useful tools to utilise with students, in order to actively engaged them towards gender equality.

Schools are indeed the more appropriate environment for students to develop critical thinking, in contrast to other contexts where old-fashioned models are transmitted.

We were able to create a series of educational tools (subsidised by a E.U. call for bids and in line with the Gender equality strategy of the European Commission) that follow Cloe’s (the short film’s protagonist) ideas. The aim is to reveal stereotypes for what they really are: «Very stupid!»

I like
Spiderman…so what?

The project took inspiration from the short film (I like Spiderman …so what?) on gender stereotypes. If you haven’t watched it yet, this is the perfect moment!

Where can I register?

A desktop, laptop or tablet computer is required to navigate through the educational kit. You can use the form below to receive an immediate reminder to your email inbox. Open the email from your computer and follow the link provided inside to register for the kit!